Romans 4:17 KJV
"(As it is written, I have made thee [before you actually became] a father of many nations,)
before him whom he believed, even God, who quickens the dead,
and calls those thing that be not as though they were."
This shows how our relationship with GOD is based on faith and not the works of the law
Abraham lived the dispensation of the law.
Life come from the One who gave us life.
The Words of GOD have life. They flourish in that they create life.
Our words or either lining up with GOD to produce life or Satan to produce death.
Calling those things that be not as though they are, simply means GOD has the ability to create everything out of nothing…just with His spoken Word.
GOD says for us to call those things that be not (what is not evident),
as though they were (as if it has already become evident).
This is not about faith in" something" happening or not happening,
but it is faith in "Someone" who makes all things happen.
When we are born-again we do not belong to ourselves any more, we belong to another;
GOD the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Our words are not our own anymore either.
They have creative ability when they are expressed through the One who created everything.
Our words are containers for His power to flow trough.
When we speak words… either GOD uses the words we speak to benefit us …
when they line up with His words,
or, Satan can take our words and uses them against us.
They don’t just float in the atmosphere…
one kingdom or the other uses them so that we have what we spoke into existence...
We speak what we believe...when it comes from our heart.
What we believe will comes out of our mouths.
Because GOD says in HIs Word, "Out of the heart …the mouth speaks (words)."
Speaking in agreement with GOD is oh… so… important.
We should always speak truth.
We should not say we are healed, when we really are not healed .
But neither should we speak words that tear down our faith in what GOD wants to do
and is preparing us to receive.
This can apply to all things and apply to regarding all things.
And just because we say something, doesn’t mean we can have what we say,
but rest assured if we speak words that Satan can use against us…he will.
Satan won't miss an opportunity to ravage us.
What we say should always line up with how we know GOD thinks
and in line with what we know is His will.
Our words should reflect our believing GOD to show up on our behalf
because we are in agreement with Him about His plans for us.
This is when we agree with GOD, instead of instructing GOD in what we want Him to do.
But so often we cancel our prayers by words we speak that conflict with what God says about us.
GOD says, " Your words are stout against me…" Malachi 3:13 KJV
Our words can be opposing and stout against and what GOD would do in our life
had we agreed with GOD.
We say are believing GOD to do what we prayed to Him about earlier,
yet we may confess quite the opposite with our words just a few minutes afterwards.
While we are waiting to see the fulfilment of our prayers come to pass,
we should not confess or say anything that cancels our faith.
GOD says our faith is priceless...And that whatever is not of faith is sin.
So often while we are waiting and believing GOD,
we speak the opposite and cancel our prayers because of doubt and unbelief.
I believe this in one reason we often never see the completed outcome from our prayers.
Our words stop us short from receiving what GOD has for us.
We settle for something far less than GOD intended us to receive.
We may pray for a complete recovery from an illness,
or something that is frustrating us and we want to overcome it.
Then afterwards we may say something like, if it doesn’t get any better than this,
I think maybe I can just live with things the way they are.
Or we do the opposite and become angry and bitter about the whole thing.
We stop short, instead of pressing on, to get the victory GOD wants us to have
We need to be tenacious in our belief
like the woman who pressed through the crowd to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment,
She said if I can only touch Him, I will be healed and made whole.
And the Syrophoenician woman in the Bible who cried out to Jesus to heal her daughter was not
willing to receive less than she knew Jesus was able to give to her daughter.
But Jesus delayed his response to her and it appears He even discouraged her.
But Jesus only refused her in order to increase her faith.
He wanted her to proclaim all the more, so that everyone around her could
see what real faith in GOD looked like.
Real faith cannot be discouraged when you know the One in whom you are placing your faith.
[How much faith does it take to believe in"Ssomeone"who cannot fail?….only a mustard seed.
GOD, the FATHER through Jesus absolutely cannot fail..
.so use your mustard seed and place it in Him.]
And each time the woman came back, Jesus pushed her away...
and then He said, " healing is the children's bread."
And she said, "even though healing is the children’s bread (belongs to the Israelites because of covenant) even the dogs (the gentiles) eat the crumbs under the table."
She was so sure Jesus was the answer, she refused to receive no
Instead of Jesus saying go away, leave me alone, He said to her, woman great is your faith,
your daughter will be healed this self-same hour. Matthew 15: 22-28 KJV
A good example today would be someone struggling with MCSEI (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Environmental Illness). For those of you who are not familiar with MCSEI, it creates many types of bondages in people’s lives. GOD’s will is that you be completely healed.
The enemy would have you just settle for survival mode.
Some of the ways it affects those that are diagnosed with MCSEI is the inability to eat certain foods, chemical sensitivity, reacting to things in the environment, and etc.
The person can become allergic to almost anything. But the allergies are coming out of fear.
Maybe someone took back most of their foods
but there is still some areas
where certain smells or certain foods have not been taken back completely.
And people can rationalize, if I am never able to be around those smells or eat those foods again, they might say, "It’s ok, I’ll just be thankful for what I do have."
This is where we stop short of GOD’s best.
We can be thankful for what we have, yes, by all means.
Be thankful to GOD for everything, but press in for God’s best.
It is only as we press in even more, to finish taking back all the enemy stolen,
that we totally please GOD with our faith in Him.
It is not harder for GOD to deliver us form some things or some foods we cannot eat…
than it is to be delivered from all of them…Amen
In the process, we simply cancel our prayers when we speak the opposite of what we said to GOD.
We later confess with our mouth what was really in our heart all along?
Because the Bible says, out of the heart the mouth speaks.
And GOD knows what is in your heart and if you truly believe Him or not.
When we tell GOD we believe him, and say the opposite that makes us double minded.
And the Bible says, a doubleminded man (or woman) can’t receive
anything from GOD.
Notice GOD said, “can’t receive”.
The person “can’t receive it”…Why…?
Because when we believe GOD and then say what He says like,
“I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me”,
and then we try to do it (in our strength) but fail,
we then confess the failure.
We sort of give up for the moment.
Then we say, “It is just too hard, I can’t do this. What’s the use of trying?”
In the spirit realm, we actually moved from one kingdom to another.
We went from living in GOD’s kingdom and moved right into the kingdom of Satan.
GOD is only found in His will,
The answer to our prayers are released in GOD’s will in the His kingdom
to flow to the one who is living in the kingdom of GOD.
When we confess, “I can,” then we say, “I can’t, we are actually changing spiritual kingdoms.
…So then here comes the answer to your prayer , all the way from Heaven…
And as GOD answers, it is flowing right toward you…and you moved
…you are not there anymore... to catch it anymore.
You shifted from GOD’s kingdom, to the fence in-between with doubt and unbelief,
and then right on into Satan’s kingdom when you believed the opposite of what you said.
So the answer floats on by us …and it was headed straight toward us…
but we missed it because we changed our mind.
GOD says you have not …because you ask not…or you ask amiss
(we either change our mind or ask with wrong motives).
Here’s another example…
Let’s say, I am believing GOD to heal me.
I have prayed in agreement with a friend who is a strong believer and we said,
when two or more agree touching anything, it is done?
Wow, my faith is soaring.
I began to apply the knowledge and understanding
of what the Word of GOD(or the Bible) tells me about GOD's will to heal me.
I cooperate with GOD in obedience to what He is showing me
and I repent for areas in my life where I know I have sinned.
And while I am seeking to meet GOD in the integrity of my heart,
wanting to be made whole in order to get my life right with Him…
GOD is just about to meet me and I know I am on the right path….
then something happens right before I can receive it.
Maybe another friend says (not intentionally) something like...
Haven't you have been praying and believing GOD for the healing of your back for a while now?
Are you any better?
We have two choices right then we can make.
The Bible says, “my people perish for lack of knowledge."
Often we don’t understand how GOD thinks and know how to cooperate with Him.
Don't may just be a test to see what you really believe.
We can either hold true to our confession and belief that GOD is preparing us to be healed
and stay healed, (so that we don’t lose our healing because of lack of knowledge).
…or we can fall prey to doubt and unbelief.
We can hold fast... or go backwards in what we believe…right here.
We can cancel our prayer and our progress, or stay on track.
If we say something like, “my back is hurting so bad right now…
I don’t know if it is ever going to get any better,"...we failed the faith test!
Or you can remain true to GOD and hold onto what you told Him you believed,
and say….
"I am confident in GOD’s faithfulness.
I have not been able to apply GOD’s perfect unconditional love in my heart at the level I need
to be an overcomer in areas involving rejection and even false burden bearing... but...
GOD is working with me…I am making progress…and I know… that I know …that I know ….
He will heal me. And I have faith in GOD that rises up in me that is a confirmation of what the Word of GOD is revealing to me in my heart.
Then you can say... I know GOD is working behind the scenes to bring me the victory?
I prayed to GOD and I am thanking Him in advance,
and I am confident and GOD has given me the hope to believe for a complete healing.
In the meantime, I am practicing being a doer of the word.
I am excited about the things of GOD and my relationship with Him.
I know GOD’s word says, He wishes above all things that I prosper and be in health.
I will not disbelieve that what GOD has shown me according to His Word.
What GOD has spoken to my heart will manifest in my life.
GOD is faithful to give me the victory … right now or in His perfect timing.
If you said something similar to this in your particular situation...
What you were just doing is speaking GOD’s language…
and He will work with you and honor His Word.
If there is a block to your healing, seek GOD as to what it might be.
GOD is faithful to answer when we seek Him with all our heart.
His Word does not come back void, it will accomplish that for which He sent it. GOD teaches us through progressively healing and preparing us
to recognize the path that got us where we are so we don’t make the same mistake twice.
Or sometimes GOD does a miracle in our lives.
Miracles build our faith in Him.
He heals us so we have the faith to believe in other areas
where we haven’t overcome yet.
GOC wants us to know how we got sick, how we got in the mess we are in,
and how the door to the enemy got opened, so we can shut it.
GOD is teaching us how to totally come out of agreement with our wrong thinking.
Then once we are healed, we can actually stay healed.
It is the goodness of GOD that brings us to repentance.
GOD will have mercy on whom He will have mercy.
It is whom the son makes free, that is free indeed.
Sometimes GOD sets us free (the miracle) so He can teach us how be made free (the process…
where you learn how to overcome and rule and reign,
not just in this life, but throughout eternity….)
Let us speak forth in confidence about everything GOD wants to do in our lives,
not as a name it and claim it reality,
but a deep desire and hunger for understanding for GOD Himself.
That we would know Him, and be known of Him for His purposes,
and for the plans we were created for in His kingdom.
I am in agreement with you for GOD to manifest healing,
health and power to overcome all the lies of the enemy in your life. Amen
As GOD leads you to follow through with thoughts, words and single-mindedness…
email us with your testimony.
We would love to hear what GOD is doing in your life.
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