The bottom line in understanding how to overcome anything is that
God has to impart understanding to us before we can walk in victory.
It involves trusting in God’s ability to meet us in every situation.
God understands our uniqueness because He knows us perfectly.
I want to share some areas with you where GOD gave me the confidence to stand against the enemy.
There is no victory apart from GOD giving it.
God wants us to recognize Satan’s strategies and overcome them in Christ.
Something we all need to be reminded of often is this:
Your thoughts are either moving your forward or keeping you where you are at.
You are either stuck in the past or trusting GOD with your future.
You can be confident, fearless and free on the way to becoming a bold overcomer,
or you can just be waiting, where you are, for something to happen.
You may even say, "Well, I am not bold enough to press in and press on in that particular area
like someone else." That’s the lie the enemy would have you believe.
Don’t focus on evil and then try to defeat it.
Always overcome evil with good.
Your focus should always remain on God.
We will always be victorious when we keep our focus on the One that has won every battle.
That’s why the Bible says, the battle is the LORD’S.
We need to remind ourselves we are not trying to defeat Satan’s kingdom and win the war.
The war has already been won. We are just reminding Satan he’s defeated.
Fear wears many faces and mask and it creates personalities that are formed to protect and even be a cover up for what is not visible. Fear involves the avoidance of confrontation. Fear will keep you silent or fear will make you way too loud. “Fear my cause a person to display an outward appearance that would seem to be bold
to cover up the inward insecurity that they refuse to allow to be seen.”
There are some examples below that could be behind a bold appearance in the natural which is really masking a deeply rooted fear. Fear is an interesting place and almost all us have some type of fears. A person may say I am not passive and be vocal about everything, when in reality it is fear speaking trying control everything around them so they feel safe. Control is a way to manipulate situations where someone is not comfortable with their surroundings, or a place that requires trusting someone else and depending on them rather than themselves.
I think God places us in circumstances where we have opportunities grow out of fear and control and we can learn to trust Him for everything. When we trust Him, trusting people is never an issue. We know GOD is the only one who really is in control of anything. And that is a good thing.
I would rather trust my life to GOD than anybody I know.
Bitterness and fear are the main spiritual forces behind most diseases.
If these two areas are not dealt with in someone’s life,
it is an obstacle to healing and hinders God’s plans for you.
It will hinder what God wants to deliver you from and stop all forward progress in every area of your life.
Bitterness begins with un-forgiveness but it progresses into a stronghold based on fear.
We are fearful when someone wounds our heart, rejects us, or doesn’t love and accept us.
This kind of fear works with bitterness to hold it in place.